
Published: Dec 5, 2022

Monday, December 5, 2022
Dear 老澳门开奖直播 Families,

I am reaching out to you as we are well into the flu and cold season. At this time of year we sometimes see an increase in student and staff absences due to illness in some schools. In order to keep as many members of school communities as healthy as possible, the district would like to share the following wellness reminders provided by Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH):

  • Please keep your child at home if they are feeling sick.
  • Please encourage your child to wash their hands regularly through the day. Hand washing with plain soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, reduces the spread of illness.?
  • Please encourage your child to cover their coughs and sneezes.
  • Fall boosters against COVID-19 and influenza are available. Vaccine appointments can be booked at or by calling 1-833-838-2323.
  • Masks continue to be an option for all members of our school communities.

For further information, please consider the following resources also provided by VCH:?

  • VCH’s Sneezes and Diseases, which includes sections on common conditions and diseases:
  • HealthLinkBC Files:

Thank you all for your ongoing efforts to keep everyone in our school communities as healthy and safe as possible. We know from our experience during the pandemic that when we work together, we can all make a difference.

Scott Robinson?
Superintendent of Schools??



?? 如果您的孩子感到不舒服,请将他们留在家中。
?? 请鼓励您的孩子每天勤洗手。使用普通肥皂和清水或含酒精的洗手液洗手,减少疾病传播。
?? 请鼓励您的孩子在咳嗽和打喷嚏时遮挡口鼻。
?? 秋季新冠疫苗加强剂和流感疫苗现在可供接种,请至网站 或致电1-833-838-2323预约接种。
?? 佩戴口罩仍然是我们学校社区所有成员的一种选择。

?? VCH的《打喷嚏与疾病》(Sneezes and Diseases), 其中包含了常见疾病的章节。
?? HealthLinkBC的文档:



Scott Robinson